I got a new toy. :)

Whoa…I think this has been the longest I’ve been without posting something to my blog. It has been a really crazy past month. Where do I begin?
Well, I have really really long stories, but those who know me well are the only ones I subject them to (sorry friends and family…you still love me, right?). Sooo here’s a condensed version. A few weeks ago I had my house phone/fax machine, my internet/network drivers on computer, my processing speed on my computer, my big screen TV, and one of my SLR cameras go bad on me all in one week. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
So to try and rectify the situation, I done made myself broke getting all new goodies. ….but wait…money can’t solve all problems. I started with the most important purchase item….a new computer. After dumping a ton of $$$ on the biggest, fastest iMac available…I discovered the world of “Monitor Color Calibration”. OH MY GOD! I have been embarrassingly fortune over the past several years working on a huge, hunky, piece of stone-age CRT monitor, which just happens to be 100% accurate on color for photo editing. After spending an ENTIRE DAY (breakfast till midnight snack) trying to calibrate the fancy new iMac, I found out that it is impossible to reach 100% color accuracy. ERRRRR!!! *as I tear my hair out after spending all that green $$$*
The next day I ordered a big, fancy (oh, yeah…and expensive) new Professional grade color accurate LCD monitor…but as usual, money doesn’t solve everything…turns out they are backordered for a few weeks.

hummmm….well, so maybe that was the medium-length version. Sorry, get carried away. Point being…I have gone from a little-behind to Mega-behind on photo editing. YIKES! Working on my old PC has been a test of patience…now that it has been running about 4x slower than it did last month.
Good news came today, though. My new monitor was shipped out and should be here by Thursday. So starting next week, I should be knocking some work out left and right. Hold on to your seats boys and girls. WWWAAAHHHOOOO!!!!!!