Happy Halloween Weekend!!!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday!  Of course it’s always about the same time as the end of wedding season, so I’m usually super stressed out and have a ton of weight on my shoulders.  This year is nooooo different…but I think that’s always why I love this holiday so much.  There is just something so fun as dressing up as something ridiculous and walking around knowing you look ridiculous.  It’s the only day you can truly get away with it…without feeling even more ridiculous.  Isn’t that ridiculous?!  (That’s for you, honey…hahahaha….it’s an inside joke)

Anyway, after taking some awesome pictures of my friend, Sarah, I decided I would have a little spooky fun with her…to post for Halloween.

Happy Halloween EVERYONE!!!!  And, don’t drink and drive….drink and pass out on someone’s floor instead. 🙂  Stay Safe.

Oh and Josh, if you read this…try not to strong-man-pull out any street signs tonight or jump out of multi-story buildings.  hahahahahahahahahahahaha