Kansas City Senior: Matthew…all grown up

Matthew was one of my very very first subjects back in the day to photograph.  So far back, that I used my old school 35mm Pentax-1000 film camera.  Oh boy, film! I thought it would be neat to find some of those old prints and/or negatives to post on the blog with these (because I think Matt was only 7 yrs old back then), but alas…it is forever lost in the boxes and boxes of disorganized piles of film and prints in the garage.  I spent a good half hour just skimming through them, but didn’t see any signs of them.  🙁  Did I mention I love digital photography?

Anyway, little Matthew is now strong-manly-grown-up Matthew.  I feel so old. haha

JEZZZZ…Buff much?!  🙂