Overland Park | Softball | Adrenaline

A little Nostalgic…takes me back to the first time I watch “A League of their Own” (which is such a good classic movie).  Check out the fantastic softball team from Lawrence:  ADRENALINE

This team is exactly what you should think about when you think about the word TEAM.  They are a perfect example of good sportsmanship, team effort, and group encouragement.  These girls don’t know it…or at least don’t fully realize it right now…but they are a part of something so extraordinary.  Being a part of a team where there’s the support and guidance, the kind I witnessed at this softball game…is something we should all be so fortunate to experience in our life at some point.  For these girls…I’d bet money they are going to be lifelong friends and support systems.  It’s truly beautiful.

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And the parents…they are like the base of the support system.  Parental greatness.
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Keep being the awesome females of our future.

Parkville | Just Married | Natalie + John

Meet Natalie and John.

They are young.  They are in love.  And they just got married.  Oh….and they are ridiculously good-looking.  😉



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HAHAHAHA  Don’t worry John…Mark Twain ain’t got nuttin’ on you.parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1006

Because everyone likes a good head scratch.

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I said…”Mark…get set…GO!”  And…visual proof of who’s more competitive.  🙂

….and who is the camera-hog of the two of them.


I am addicted to looking at this couple.  They exhibit everything you think about in a young couple in love.  It should be a reminder to all of us to stay young in love.  parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1013 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1014 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1015 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1016 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1017 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1018 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1019 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1020 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1021 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1022

A little Titanic love reference never hurt anyone.  parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1023 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1024 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1025 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1026 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1027 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1028

I have no idea what’s going on here…but it’s CRACKIN’ ME UP RIGHT NOW!  John’s face on the left….BAHAHAHAHAparkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1029

Oh…hello…totally forgot to mention that these two are badass Airforce folk!  How appropriate we give this American Pride wall some attention. parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1030 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1031 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1032 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1033 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1034 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1035 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1036 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1037 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1038 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1039 parkville-missouri-portraits_click-photography-1040

I should mention, I didn’t meet the handsome John until the session….but Natalie and I spent a rigorous year of a Paramedic Program together.  Happily, we survived and are now proud owners of a Medic license.  It might have been one of the toughest things I’ve ever accomplished.  I was fortunate to have some really great classmates….and new friends….like this beautiful Natalie.  So happy to see her continuing to do great things in her life.  Sending her and John so many good vides for their future together.

Congrats Clingmans!

Crossroads | Senior | Nick

As I type this, I just realized that high school football is nearly over….or it might be already.  It sinks in that this Senior might have already played his last high school football game.  It’s a little sad.  And exciting at the same time, just as it should when graduating.  Nick is moving on to great things and he’s been a truly awesome addition to his school.

Congrats #89!  GO PHS Panthers!!!



Crossroads | Family | Wall

Not sure if I’ve said it enough, but I love this woman.  Nicole is truly an amazing human being…and she married Steve, who is also an amazing human being.  Together they’ve made a little army of wonderful little humans.  I chose this first picture to be of Nicole, because I want to emphasize just how much I adore her and her lightheartedness.  Of course this picture was just a funny moment while setting up a pose when we realized she was holding that poor baby by his crotch…but still, I love that it captured her really laughing and having a good time.  Also…on a totally random note…I confess to having reached out and pinched her leg because she has perfect skin so much so that I thought she was wearing stalkings.


And this little guy….he’s the newest of the Wall family and this is actually the first time I’ve had him in front of my camera.  I have to say…he did not think too much of me, and this might be the only hint of a smile I could muster from him.  I tried every trick in my bag, too.  But he gave lots of smiles to his mama….she stole all the attention. haha


And I’m pretty much obsessed with baby feet.  WHAT A DOLL!!!!!


And we must not leave out the big bros.  Such handsome young men. family-photography_kansas-city-crossroads_wall_1004family-photography_kansas-city-crossroads_wall_1005

Ooohhmmaaahhgawd…this happened, I laughed at the time, but I think the GIF makes it even funnier.  I can’t even remember what sparked this, but I can’t stop laughing.  I’ve just been sitting in my dark office cracking up at my monitor while watching this over and over.  I love you Steve!


I am so thankful to call these guys my friends.


Bringing out the big smile for Mom.  He’s such a sweetheart.


Aaaaaaannnddd…if any of those non-parents are reading this and wondering how parents feel after “family picture day”….this image sums it up.  HAHAHA

Just kidding…

….parents feel like this all day every day.  HAHAHA

Lees Summit | Family | Glynn

I don’t know how this family does it…but they always pick pretty much the most perfect day for their annual portrait session.  We started off with the whole gang in our annual front door picture.   I LOVE having traditions with my clients.




So…every year we create a creative image for their Christmas card, and every year the bar gets set higher and higher.  I received an email from them before the session and all it said was “Leaning towards a A Very Ziggy Stardust Christmas”.  So here is a delightful tribute to the legendary David Bowie.  Oh…and one of our other traditions is having one or more kids crying in the pictures.  No prompting was needed for that.  HAHA
