Class of 2010: Brookie

Another rescheduled session due to Spring rain, but it was worth the wait.  This is my beautiful cousin, Brookie….all grown up.  Unbelievable!  We set off for the plaza area to start our session, but I just wasn’t completely sure where I wanted to go…but then I took a wrong turn and passed by a spot that I had seen a couple weeks ago and thought would be perfect….so that was stop #1.

…and another wrong turn later…


…and another wall of sweeeetness at the second wrong turn….

We had just parked in Westport (done with wrong-turning) and I spotted this super dirty area in the back of some restaurant.  PERFECT!

A fellow photog friend of mine had told me about this brick design a couple weeks ago, but she couldn’t remember where they were.  As soon as I saw it, I KNEW it was the ones she was talking about.  Very cool.  (THANKS DEBBIE!)

And rather than go the way I normally do to I-35, I accidentally end up going a different way…which lead me to wrong turn #3.  We were totally done with the session, but we passed this crazy urban wall with super talented painting..  yup…  BRAKES, TURN SIGNAL, PARK….and WORK IT!