Welcome Mazie

For the life of me, I can’t quite remember how Sarah discovered my photography (maybe google?) but I’m so glad we connected.  Her first born daughter is a little over a month old now and growing rapidly each and everyday.  Didn’t want to wait any longer to get some really great portraits of her in her “littleness”.

I LOVED this one as soon as I saw it…I how Mazie is just watching.  🙂

They have the neatest bedding.  Makes me want to update our own bedroom.  I do buy new pillows every year or so, but I don’t think I’ve bought new bedding since we’ve lived here.  Hummm…time for a change.  Overstock, here I come.

Little breezy, haha

Heck yea, it was an awesome day for outdoor pictures!  Puttin’ on the shades.

We were talking about ANTM during the session a bit, and when we went to do this shot, Mazie TOTALLY smiled with her eyes.  ROCK ON, LITTLE MODEL!  …oh, and this beautiful fabric was from Matt & Sarah’s wedding.  Matt is first American born in his family.  They are Scottish.  So Coool!

Grandma will appreciate this one, for sure! 🙂

Still trying to think of the perfect title for this one.  Maybe “Love Blossoms” FYI:  There were no babies harmed in the making of the above image. 🙂  About an hour before our session, I randomly had a thought (my brain doesn’t always give me ample time to do things) for a neat baby portrait…but it would require a water pail.  I had one but it’s beige, plastic, and overall ugly.  Made me kick myself for not getting the super cool, long spouted chrome one I saw at Lowe’s a few months ago, but I was determined to pick one up along the way.  I stopped at 3 stores trying to find one to buy, and I even stopped by The Shabby Hattie, in Parkville, thinking they’d have one for sure that I could just borrow…but all she had were tea pots.  🙁    I arrived at my session empty handed…but still thought I could do part of the idea.  …as I was setting up, a fabulous neighbor a couple houses away came to the rescue with the PERFECT PAIL!  Sometimes things just work out.  🙂  Thank you neighbor lady!