Kansas City Engagement: Libby & Mike

Meet Mike and Libby….

…no that’s not Libby.  Here’s Libby…

…wait, no…that’s not Libby either.  Libby is so much cuter. 🙂  hahaha  I couldn’t resist posting the first two of Roscoe and Chloe…stealing Libby’s spotlight.  I was crackin’ up when I saw that first one (Roscoe).  With the flared nostril, big eyes, and lifted chin, he almost looks like he’s giving me a snooty look.

No Photoshop…Libby is super strong.  Last week, Matt and I took the kids to the park…to which in playing around with the kids on the playground, I discovered I no longer had the ability to do the monkey bars.  WHAAAAA!!!!?!?!?!  Oh my…that was not a good discovery.  Watching Libby so easily lift herself up, like it was nooooooo big deal…yea, I came home and did some push ups.  …ok ok…maybe pushUP…but I’ll eventually get to pushupS (plural).

I told them, one at a time, stare into my massively large blemish in between my eyebrows.  You can tell Mike enjoyed the focal point. hahahahahaha  And yes…when I have pimples that large, I will put them to use as focal points for my clients. 🙂  WHEN will I ever not have acne?! Seriously, I’m way into adulthood…shouldn’t there be an end to this facial madness at some point?!

So when I asked Libby if they had a Signature Shot idea, she told me about Mike’s marriage proposal.  He had wanted to propose while they were on vacation and the ring he got her wasn’t ready in time…so he had a loose diamond in a box (super taped up, if I got the story right) and a yellow twisty tie (to serve as a visual).  Total sweetness!!!!  So, yes…she agreed to marry Mike with love and a twisty tie.

I love everything about this shot! So funny!