Kansas City Family Portraits: Wyatt’s expecting a bro

One of my favorite couples has turned into one of my favorite families…and they just keep growing and growing. Al’s building his own small army…(psst, Lacey…make the next one a girl so to keep the boys in-check at home).

Doesn’t this little cutie have the most perfect profile?!?!?!  Reminds me that my kids are almost past the round-cheek stage in life. Soooo sad. 🙁

This is our special encore signature shot.  Shall we call this the “Business Casual” edition? 🙂  Check out the “Business Profession” edition from last time.

Such a DOLL….I mean, a MANLY doll. 🙂

Ok…and here’s the part when I get to brag about Lacey and her mad photog skills.  Her own wedding a couple years ago inspired her to tap into her creative side and has lead down a path of starting her own photography business, Lacey Dawn Photography.  She’s got some major passion and defines the expression “hit the ground running”.  Check her out.

Al & Lacey…always a pleasure.  Can’t meet to meet the next handsome Whitmer.  Should I stock up on bananas again? hahahaha